The Committee for Lorne is an incorporated association that will: represent the wider community of the Lorne Ward, including all residents and property owners; act as the focal point for the extended community on matters, including social, planning and environmental issues, impacting the broader community; act as an advocate with Local, State and Federal government agencies and departments and be a reference point for external groups and agencies who wish to consult with or undertake works and projects which might impact the Lorne Ward community.
Our major achievements to date:
- Twelve month planning process in creating Achieving Lorne's Aspirations document.
- Assisted (with Lorne Business & Tourism Association) in developing the Lorne Destination Action Plan with Great Ocean Road Tourism.
- Partnered with Monash University to analyse and survey customer demands and satisfaction on the Great Ocean Road and Lorne - ongoing.
- Facilitated "Accommodating Lorne's Future Workshop"
- Partnered with University of Western Sydney as a "Pilot" program for a Community and Trust.
- Partnered with Melbourne University Architectural Department to advancing our project - ongoing.
- Actively participated in the Community Reference Group for the Point Grey Precinct. Following the initial recommended Draft Plan of a single dwelling precinct for Point Grey as preferred by GORRC met with Hon. Ryan Smith to reinforce the desire of the Lorne Community for a two building precinct. Gained his support to have the GORRC proposal replaced with the Lorne presumed proposal.
- Instigated a "first ever" forum of the Government Agencies (Surf Coast Shire, GORCC, DWELP) that manage Lorne to coordinate an ongoing mechanism of communication for "Best Practice" management of Lorne.
- Identified current Master Plans in progress of our Government Agencies to ensure integration across land manager boundaries.
- Lobbied the Surf Coast Shire to allow the Committee for Lorne to own the Master Planning Process for the Stribling Reserve. This is a "Shire first" statutory planning initiative that hopefully will be a platform for future processes.
- Initiated a weekly "community page" in the Surf Coast Times and weekly email to our registered community members
- Lobby to be a "Project Owner" for the review of the Lorne Strategy Plan 2003.
- Working on a Surf Coast Shire working group to assist in delivering a more stream lined planning process with the Surf Coast Shire
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